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Trademark in North Macedonia
Fees associated with filing the trademark application in Macedonia as well as other trademark fees are available in the fee calculator.
Multiple-class applications
Multiple class trademark applications are possible in Macedonia.
Filing requirements in Macedonia
To obtain a filing date, a Macedonian trademark application should include:
- request for trademark registration;
- applicant’s details;
- representation of the trademark;
- priority data, if any;
- list of goods and services;
- payment of the corresponding fee.
An original of a signed Power of Attorney is required. It may be filed with the Macedonian IP Office within one month of the filing date.
A certified copy of the Priority Document and its Macedonian translation should be provided within 90 days after the filing date.
Examination, publication and opposition to a trademark application in Macedonia
In Macedonia, formal examination and examination of distinctiveness are carried out by the Patent Office. After the registration, the trademark will be published in the Industrial Property Gazette. The trademark opposition period in Macedonia constitutes 90 days after the publication of the application.
Grant, validity term and trademark renewal
A trademark in Macedonia is valid for ten years as from the date of filing and may be renewed for successive ten-year periods. A request for renewal should be filed within twelve months before the expiration of the validity term or within a nine-month grace period.
Duration of registration procedure
Trademark registration takes approximately 6-12 months.
If a trademark has not been used for five consecutive years, it may be cancelled on a third party’s request.
Representation by a trademark attorney
For foreign applicants, it is necessary to perform trademark prosecution in Macedonia through an agent, a registered Macedonian trademark attorney.
Online Search Databases: Macedonian Trademarks, TMview, International Trademarks.
Brief summary is based on the information provided by CABINET MLADENOVSKI on 14.05.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Macedonian IP Laws