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Patent in North Macedonia
Fees associated with filing patent applications in Macedonia as well as other patent fees are available in the fee calculator.
Term for filing a patent application in Macedonia
A Macedonian patent application claiming conventional priority should be filed within twelve months from the priority date. Extension of the said term is not stipulated.
Filing requirements in Macedonia
The official language of the Macedonian IP Office is Macedonian. If an application is filed in a language other than Macedonian, a translation must be submitted within 90 days from the filing date.
To obtain a filing date, a Macedonian patent application should contain:
- request to grant a patent;
- applicant’s details;
- part which may be considered as a description;
- priority details (if applicable).
If the priority is claimed, a certified copy of the Priority Document and a Macedonian translation thereof should be submitted within 90 days from the filing date.
The applicant should provide an original of a signed Power of Attorney. The POA may be submitted at the time of filing or within one month from the filing date.
Examination of a Macedonian patent application
Patent applications in Macedonia undergo both formal and substantive examination. Substantive examination of a patent application should be requested within two years from the filing date.
Macedonian IP legislation stipulates a novelty grace period of six months prior to the filing date, provided that the invention has been disclosed:
- by apparent misuse against the applicant or its legal predecessor;
- by displaying the invention at an official or officially recognised exhibition by the applicant or its legal predecessor on the condition of submitting an evidence when filing an application.
Grant, validity term and maintenance fees
The grant fee is to be paid within thirty days of the notification by the Macedonian IP Office. A patent in Macedonia is valid for twenty years of the filing date. Annual fees are due each year starting from the third one and should be paid before the anniversary of the filing date. A surcharge of 25% applies if maintenance fees are paid within a three-month grace period. Payment within a further grace period of six months is subject to a 50% surcharge.
Duration of registration procedure
In case of a smooth registration procedure, it usually takes about three years as of the filing date to get a patent granted in Macedonia.
Representation by a patent attorney
For foreign patent applicants, it is recommended to perform patent prosecution in Macedonia through an agent, a registered Macedonian patent attorney.
Utility model protection is not available under the Macedonian legislation.
1. Online Search Database for Macedonian Patent Search.
2. Macedonia is a member state of the European Patent Organization. It is possible to obtain patent protection in Macedonia via European Patent and its further validation in Macedonia.
Brief summary is based on the information provided by CABINET MLADENOVSKI on 14.05.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Macedonian IP Laws