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Trademark registration in Cambodia

from 430.00
Number of Classes
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  • Trademark fees

Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Cambodia, as well as other trademark fees, are available in the fee calculator.

  • Multiple-class applications

Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in Cambodia.

  • Minimum filing requirements in Cambodia

To obtain a filing date, a trademark application in Cambodia must contain:
- a request for registration;
- applicant details;
- representation of a trademark;
- a list of goods/services for which the registration is sought.

  • Requirements for the Power of Attorney

The applicant may provide a copy of a notarized Power of Attorney at the time of filing and submit the original within 1 month from the filing date.

  • Priority document

A certified copy of the priority document must be submitted within one month from the date of filing. The translation into Khmer may be required on the examiner’s request.

  • Opposition period

Any party may file a notice of opposition within 90 days from the date of publication of an application in the Official Gazette.

  • Grant, validity term and trademark renewal

The grant fees are included into the filing fee. A trademark in Cambodia is valid for ten years from the date of filing and may be renewed for successive ten-year periods upon payment of the prescribed fee. Late renewal is possible within a six-month grace period.

  • Use requirement

A trademark owner is required to use the trademark in Cambodia. A trademark may be cancelled on a third party’s request unless the trademark owner provides the reasons for the non-use.

Once a trademark is registered in Cambodia, the owner must file an Affidavit of Use or Non-Use within one year following the fifth anniversary of the date of registration of the mark. When a mark has been renewed, the registered trademark owner has to submit an Affidavit of Use or Non-Use within one year following the 5th anniversary of the date of renewal registration. Failure to submit the affidavit will lead to the automatic cancellation of your trademark registration.

  • Whether a trademark attorney is required

Foreign applicants should perform trademark registration in Cambodia through an agent, a registered Cambodian trademark attorney.

  •  Notes

1. Online Database for Cambodian Trademarks Search.
2. Cambodian IP Office allows 60 days for filing of a response to a provisional refusal of international trademark registration. The 60-day term is calculated from the date WIPO sends the provisional refusal to the applicant. It is possible to file a request for an extension. The language of the response is English or Khmer, representation by a Cambodian patent attorney is obligatory.

The above information was verified by Haihan IP on 17.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Cambodian IP Laws
