Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Algeria, as well as other trademark fees, are available in the fee calculator.
Multiple-class applications
Multiple-class applications are possible in Algeria.
Filing requirements in Algeria
Trademark applications in Algeria must be filed in French.
Minimum filing documents for a trademark application in Algeria are:
- application stating the name and address of the applicant;
- representation of the mark (must be provided in colour if it is claimed as a distinctive feature);
- list of goods and services;
- proof of payment of filing and publication fees;
- priority details (if applicable).
A certified copy of the Priority Document alongside its French translation should be submitted within three months from the filing date.
Simply signed Power of Attorney should be submitted within two months from the date of filing.
The term for filing a trademark application in Algeria claiming conventional priority is 6 months from the priority date.
Examination and publication of a trademark application in Algeria
Trademark applications in Algeria are examined as to their conformity with formal and substantive requirements. The opposition period is not stipulated by the legislation in Algeria. If a trademark satisfies the requirements of formal and substantive examination, it will be published in the official bulletin.
Grant, validity term and trademark renewal
The grant fee for a trademark registration in Algeria is not stipulated. Trademarks in Algeria are valid for 10 years from the filing date. It is possible to renew a trademark for further periods of 10 years. A request for renewal should be filed and the corresponding fee should be paid within six months before the expiry of the registration. A grace period of six months after the expiry of a trademark applies. The request should be accompanied by the evidence of use of a trademark.
Duration of registration procedure
In case the prosecution process goes smoothly, it takes an average of 18 months to obtain a trademark registration in Algeria.
If a trademark in Algeria has not been used uninterruptedly for a period exceeding three years from the filing date, it may be subject to cancellation initiated by a third party before the court. An extension of two years may be granted if the owner/owners of the trademark furnish a proof that serious circumstances prevented them from utilising the trademark.
Representation by a trademark attorney
For foreign trademark applicants, it is recommended to perform trademark prosecution in Algeria through an agent, a registered Algerian trademark attorney.
1. Online Search Database for Algerian Trademarks.
2. The time limit for filing of a response to the international registration's provisional refusal with the Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is two months from the date the applicant receives the notification. Further extensions are possible by the filing of a corresponding request with the INPI. The response and requests for extension must be filed by an Algerian patent attorney. The response should be filed in French or Arabic. The Algerian IP Institute does not accept reviews or appeals of the provisional refusal.
Brief summary is based on the information provided by DJELLIOUT ET FILS on 28.01.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with the Algerian IP Laws