Saudi Arabia

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    Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR)

Patent in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia
from 828.00
Total Number of Claims
Number of Priorities
Number of Drawings
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  • Patent fees

Fees associated with filing patent applications in Saudi Arabia, as well as other patent fees, are available in the fee calculator.

  • Term for filing a patent application in Saudi Arabia

A patent application claiming conventional priority should be filed with the Saudi Patent Office within twelve months from the priority date. Restoration of this term is not possible.

  • Filing requirements in Saudi Arabia

The Arabic and English translations of the application should be submitted at the time of filing. The submission of the translation is also permitted within 60 days from the date of filing a patent application.

To obtain the filing date, it is necessary to provide the Saudi Patent Office with:
- a request to grant a patent;

- an application for a patent containing applicant’s and inventor’s information and addresses;
patent specification (description, claims,drawings,abstract);
priority data, if any;
payment of the filing fees.

A certified copy of the Priority Document should be submitted within 60 days from the filing date.

The original Power of Attorney, duly legalized by the Saudi Consulate or authenticated by the Apostille, may be filed within 60 days from the filing date of a patent application in Saudi Arabia.

If the application is filed by a person other than the inventor, a copy of an apostilled Assignment Deed between the applicant and the inventor must be provided within 60 days from the filing date.

  • Examination of a Saudi patent application

Applications are examined as to compliance with formal requirements and as to substance. Upon completion of the formal examination, the application is published. Substantive examination will be conducted if the fee for substantive examination is paid within three months from notification regarding the amount of this fee, which may vary due to the complexity of each application.

  • Novelty grace period

Disclosure will be disregarded if it occurred:
- six months prior to filing of the application in Saudi Arabia or priority date (if any) and resulted from the abusive acts against the applicant or his legal predecessor;
- within twelve months prior to the filing or priority date (if any) and occurred at an officially recognised international exhibition in one of the Paris Union countries.

  • Grant, validity term and maintenance fees

Patents in Saudi Arabia are valid for 20 years from the date of filing. Grant fee should be paid together with publication fee within 90 days from the notification by the Office. Annual maintenance fees are due starting from the year following the filing date and should be paid from January 1 to March 31 of each year. Late payment is possible within three months after the due date with no surcharge and within a further grace period of three months provided that the fee is paid in the double amount.

  • Duration of registration procedure

In Saudi Arabia, it takes an average of 3-5 years from the filing date to obtain a patent.

  • Utility Model

Utility model protection is not stipulated by the IP legislation in Saudi Arabia.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

For foreign applicants, it is necessary to appoint a representative, a registered Saudi patent attorney.

  • Note

Online Search databases: Saudi Patent Applications, Saudi Patents, GCC Patents.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by ONE WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY on 06.03.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Saudi IP Laws
