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Trademark registration in Morocco
Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Morocco as well as other trademark fees are available in the fee calculator.
Multiple-class trademark application is possible in Morocco.
Minimum of filing documents in Morocco
To obtain a filing date, the trademark application should contain:
- request for registration of a trademark;
- reproduction of the trademark model;
- proof of payment of the prescribed fees.
Requirements to the Power of Attorney
Copy of a simply signed Power of Attorney should be filed within 3 months from the filing date. In case of non-submission of POA during said term, it is still possible to file the same to the TMO within an additional 3 months upon payment of a surcharge fee. Legalization/notarization is not required.
To confirm the priority right, a certified copy of the priority document, translated into French, should be submitted within three months after filing the trademark application.
The opposition period is two months from publication of the trademark application.
Validity term and trademark renewal
Registration of a trademark shall be valid starting from the date of filing for ten years and is renewable for successive 10-year periods. Trademark registration may be renewed within six months before the expiry of the registration and six months after the expiry.
The trademark in Morocco is subject to cancellation in case it has not been used within five years from its registration.
Representation by a trademark attorney
For foreigners, it is necessary to perform a trademark prosecution in Morocco through an agent, a registered Moroccan trademark attorney.
1. Online Search Databases: Moroccan Trademarks, International Trademarks.
2. The time limit to file a response to the provisional refusal of an international registration in Morocco is 2 months from the date of the refusal’s issuance by the Office. It is possible to request an extension of time by filing a request for reinstatement of rights before the Office and providing the evidence that justifies the extension. It is necessary to appoint a local representative for both filing a response and requesting an extension.
Brief summary is based on the information provided by NJQ & Associates on 18.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Moroccan IP Laws.