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Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
Trademark registration in Hong Kong
Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Hong Kong, as well as other trademark fees, are available in the fee calculator.
Multiple-class applications
Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in Hong Kong.
Minimum filing requirements in Hong Kong
To obtain a filing date, a Hong Kong trademark application should contain:
- request for registration of a trademark with indication of colour(s), if any;
- applicant’s details;
- graphic representation of the trademark;
- list of goods and services.
Requirements for the Power of Attorney
No Power of Attorney is required for Hong Kong trademark registration.
The priority document is not required in case of claiming priority. However, the Intellectual Property Department (IPD) of Hong Kong may request its submission. When the priority document is not in Chinese or English, the applicant is required to provide a Chinese or English translation.
Opposition against a trademark registration in Hong Kong may be filed within three months from the publication in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal.
Grant, validity term and trademark renewal
The official grant fee is not stipulated for trademarks in Hong Kong. A registered trademark is valid for ten years from the filing date and is renewable indefinitely for further periods of 10 years each by paying the renewal fee. Trademarks in Hong Kong may be renewed within six months before the expiry of the validity term but not later than six months after its expiry.
A trademark in Hong Kong may be cancelled if it has not been used within three consecutive years from the registration date.
Representation by a trademark attorney
To perform the trademark prosecution in Hong Kong, foreign applicants should appoint an agent who carries on business activities on the premises at the address in Hong Kong, or a Hong Kong resident.
Online Database for Hong Kong Trademarks Search.
The information was verified by BARRON & YOUNG INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY on 14.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Hong Kong IP Laws