Hong Kong

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    UTC/GMT +08:00
  • Currency:

    Hong Kong dollar (HKD)

Industrial Design registration in Hong Kong

Hong Kong
from 434.00
Number of Priorities
Number of Designs
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  • Design fees

Fees associated with filing industrial design applications in Hong Kong, as well as other design fees, are available in the fee calculator.

  • The term for filing a design application in Hong Kong

Hong Kong industrial design application claiming priority should be filed within 6 months from the date of priority.

  • Minimum filing requirements in Hong Kong

To obtain a filing date, a design application in Hong Kong should contain:
- a request for registration of the design;
- a representation of the design suitable for reproduction;
- applicant’s name and address;
- classes of Locarno classification;
- title of design in both English and Chinese;
- priority data, if the priority is claimed;
- proof of payment of the prescribed fee.

  • Multiple design applications

Filing multiple industrial design applications in Hong Kong is possible provided that the designs relate to the same class of articles under the Locarno Classification, or to the same set of articles.

  • Declaration of inventorship

If the applicant is not the designer, the application should include a statement indicating the applicant’s entitlement to apply for a design registration.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

No Power of Attorney is required for Hong Kong design registration.

  • Priority document

If the priority is claimed, the Priority Document must be submitted within 3 months from the filing date. When the Priority Document is not in Chinese or English, a translation in either Chinese or English is necessary. The translation should clearly indicate the name of the translator and their official capacity, if applicable.

  • Substantive examination of a design application in Hong Kong

Substantive examination of a design application is not carried out. Design applications in Hong Kong are subject to formal examination only.

  • Grant, validity term and maintenance fees

The official grant fee is not stipulated. The registration of a design in Hong Kong lasts for five years beginning from the filing date. It may be extended for additional periods of five years each, up to a maximum of 25 years from the date of filing upon payment of renewal fees.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

To perform the design prosecution in Hong Kong, foreign persons should appoint an agent who carries on business activities on the premises at the address in Hong Kong, or a Hong Kong resident.

  • Note

Online Database for Hong Kong Designs Search.

The information was verified by BARRON & YOUNG INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY on 14.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Hong Kong IP Laws
