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Trademark registration in Colombia

from 842.00
Number of Classes
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  • Trademark fees

Fees associated with filing trademark application in Colombia as well as other trademark fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • Multiple-class applications

Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in Colombia. The class headings are not admitted by the Patent and Trademark Office, the particular goods and/or services must be indicated.

  • Minimum filing requirements in Colombia

The minimum filing requirements in Colombia are:
- a request for the registration of a trademark;
- information about the applicant;
- the trademark for which registration is sought, or a reproduction of the trademark in the case of trademarks that are denominations with special graphic elements, shapes or colours, or of figurative, mixed or three-dimensional trademarks, whether in colour or not;
- list of the specific goods or services in respect to which the trademark protection is sought;
- payment of the filing fees.

  • Priority document

It is necessary to provide a scanned copy of the priority document's certified copy translated into Spanish no later than nine months from the priority date.

  • Requirements to the Power of Attorney

A scanned copy of the executed Power of Attorney must be provided within two months from filing a Colombian trademark application. Legalisation is not required. If the POA is not filed with the application, the Colombian Trademark Office will issue a formal Office Action, requesting the applicant to file it within a 60-working-days deadline.  

  • Opposition period

The Colombian trademark application may be opposed within 30 working days from the publication of the application.  In case the opposition is filed, the applicant is given an additional 30 days period to answer the opposition extendable for other 30 days only for filing proof for the granting.

  • Grant, validity term and trademark renewal

No official grant fee is stipulated. The validity term of a trademark in Colombia is ten years from the date of registration. A trademark in Colombia may be renewed for successive periods of ten years. A request to renew trademark registration must be submitted within six months before the expiry date or within a six-month grace period.

  • Use requirement

A trademark in Colombia may be cancelled if the owner of a trademark has not been using the said trademark within three consecutive years following its registration without good cause.

  • Representation by a trademark attorney

For foreign applicants, it is necessary to perform the trademark prosecution in Colombia through a Colombian attorney at law.

  • What can be registered as a trademark in Colombia

Words or a combination of words; pictures, figures, symbols, graphic elements, logotypes, monograms, portraits, labels, and emblems; sounds and smells; letters and numbers; a color demarcated to give it a specific shape, or a combination of colors; the shape of a product its packaging or wrappings; any combination of the signs or means indicated in the items above are registrable as trademarks in Colombia.

  •  Note

Online Search Databases: Colombian Trademarks, International Trademarks.

The above information was verified by ARAMBURO RESTREPO ABOGADOS on 27.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with the Colombian IP Laws.

