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Patent in Colombia

from 1285.00
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Number of Priorities
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  • Patent fees

Fees associated with filing patent applications in Colombia as well as other patent fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • The term for filing patent applications in Colombia

Patent applications in Colombia claiming conventional priority must be filed within 12 months from the priority date. The restoration of this term is not possible.

  • Minimum filing requirements in Colombia

- a request to grant a patent with applicant's and inventor's details such as complete name, ID, address, nationality, email;
- сomplete application in Spanish, i.e. specification, claims, sequence listing (if applicable), and drawings (if applicable);
- payment of the official fee.

  • Language of the Colombian patent application

The official language of the proceedings before the Colombian Patent Office is Spanish. It is not possible to file an application in any other language as the Spanish translation (not by official translators) is required for obtainment of the filing date.

  • Priority document

A scanned copy of the certified copy of the Priority Document is enough for filing. It must be filed alongside the Spanish translation, performed by official translator, thereof within 16 months from the priority date.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

A scanned copy of the simply signed Power of Attorney is enough for filing. No legalisation or notarisation is required. If the POA is not filed with the application, the Colombian Patent Office will issue a formal Office Action, requesting the applicant to file it within a 2-month term (extendable for two additional months). Not filing of the POA within this term will lead to the abandonment of the application. For nullity or infringement actions a new, duly legalised POA is required, however, the POA can be sent by mail from the grantor’s official email with proof of its quality (Chamber of Commerce or ID copy, some of these may require official translations). 

  • Assignment Deed

If the applicant is not the inventor, a scanned copy of the executed non-legalised Assignment Deed must be submitted to the Colombian Patent Office. It may be submitted within two months from the date of filing (extendable for two more months). If the Assignment Deed is not in Spanish a copy or abstract in Spanish will be required.

  • Substantive examination request

The request for substantive examination on Colombian patent application must be made within six months from the publication of the application. Accelerated examination can be requested under PPH by filing a Spanish translation of the granted claims, the grant decision, and if not accessible to the public, copy of the prior art cited during prosecution of the equivalent application in the other jurisdiction.

  • Grace period

If the disclosure of the information on the invention has been made by the applicant, inventor/assignee, or, a third party who has obtained information from the applicant, inventor or assignee and national offices within 12 months before the filing date or, if priority is claimed, before the priority date, it will not disprove the novelty of a Colombian patent application.

  • Grant and patent maintenance

No official grant fee is stipulated. After the patent is granted, the first maintenance fee must be paid before the last day of the month in which the Colombian application was filed. If not paid on time, late payment is possible within a 6-month grace period provided that the surcharge is paid. Exceeded this time, without payment of the maintenance, the patent will be declared in abandonment.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

For foreign patent applicants, it is necessary to perform the patent prosecution in Colombia through a registered Colombian attorney at law.

  •  Note

Online Database for Colombian Patent Search.

The above information was verified by ARAMBURO RESTREPO ABOGADOS on 27.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with the Colombian IP Laws.
