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Tajik PCT national phase entry

from 577.00
Number of Independent Claims
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  • Patent fees

Fees associated with Tajikistani PCT national phase entry as well as other patent fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • Time limits for PCT national phase entry in Tajikistan

30 months from the priority date according to Chapter I (under PCT Article 22(1)) and 31 months from the priority date according to Chapter II (under PCT Article 39(1)(b)).

  • Minimum filing requirements in Tajikistan

- a request to grant a patent;
- PCT application materials.

  • Language of the Tajik patent application based on the PCT

The official language of proceedings in Tajikistan is Tajik or Russian. If the application materials are provided in any other language, the translation into Tajik or Russian should be provided within three months from the date of entry into the national phase of Tajikistan.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

No notarization or legalization is required. A simply signed Power of Attorney is required in case the applicant is a natural person, while for legal entities it should be signed and stamped. The PoA should be provided to the Patent Office within 2 months from the date of entry into the national phase of Tajikistan.

  • Substantive examination request

The substantive examination must be requested within three years from the international filing date. Extension or restoration of this term is not possible.

  • Time limits for amending the application based on PCT

The applicant may amend or correct the application before the decision to grant a patent is issued. The application may be amended without any official charges within three months from entering the PCT application in Tajikistan.

  • Grant and maintenance

Official fees should be paid within 2 months from the date of receipt of the decision to grant a patent. The first post-grant annuities starting from the 3rd year must be paid within said term as well. All subsequent annuities are counted starting from the date of national phase entry and are paid before the beginning of the next year.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

Foreigners should perform entering the Tajik national phase of a PCT application through an agent, a registered Tajik patent attorney.

  • Notes

1. Online Search Database for Eurasian Patents (EAPO).
2. PCT application in Tajikistan may also be nationalised via entering the Eurasian regional phase.
3. A petty patent may be applied for by means of entering the Tajik national phase of a PCT application.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat & Partners on 09.04.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Tajikistani IP Laws
