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Patent in Greece

from 1191.00
Total Number of Claims
Number of Priorities
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  • Patent fees

Fees associated with filing patent applications in Greece, as well as other patent fees, are available in the fee calculator.

  • The term for filing patent application

The patent application in Greece claiming priority must be filed within 12 months from the priority date. The restoration of this term is not possible.

  • Minimum of filing requirements

To obtain a date of filing the patent application in Greece must contain at least the following:
- application form;
- description of the invention;
- claims on a separate sheet of paper;
- proof of payment of the filing fees.

  • Language for the Greek patent application

The official language of the Greek patent application is Greek. The application may be submitted in English, French or German. The translation into Greek must be provided within four months from the date of filing.

  • Priority document

The certified copy of the priority application and attested translation thereof into Greek must be filed within four months from the date of filing the application.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

The Power of Attorney is not required to be officially legalised. It may be submitted within four months from the filing date of an application.

  • Assignment Deed

Assignment of inventor's rights legalised by Apostille must be provided in case the applicant is not the inventor, within four months from the filing date.

  • Additional documents

- certified copy of an extract from the Register of Commerce reflecting the Incorporation of the applicant's company, legalised by Apostille;
- certified Copy of the articles of the applicant's company, legalised by Apostille, proving that the person signing the Power of Attorney has the legal capacity to represent the company (if this detail is not reflected in the extract from the Register of Commerce).

  • Additional procedural requirements

The substantive examination procedure is not stipulated in Greece. Within four months from the filing date the applicant should pay the prescribed fees for filing and conducting of a search report. In case the filing fees are not paid within the above-mentioned term, the patent application is deemed to be withdrawn. If the fees for conducting a search report are not paid within the stipulated 4-month deadline, the patent application in Greece will be automatically converted into the Utility Model application.

  • Grant and patent maintenance fees

There is no specified time limit for the payment of the grant fee - the application remains pending until payment of the grant fee. Annuities must be paid each year up to the last day of the month corresponding to the date on which the application was filed. Annuities are due for pending applications. The annuity fees for the 1st and 2nd years of the patent validity are included into the filing fee. Payment in accumulated manner is possible.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

Foreigners must perform the patent prosecution in Greece through an agent, which is the registered Greek patent attorney.

  •  Notes

1. Online Search databases: Greek Patents, European Patents (EPO).
2. The PCT application in Greece may be nationalised only via European route and its further validation in Greece.
3. Inventions may also be protected as Utility Models in Greece, which are subject to formal examination only. Processes and inventions in the chemical, biological or pharmaceutical sectors are not protectable. The maximum protection period of a utility model in Greece is seven years from the date of filing. There is no limitation in the number of claims to be registered as Utility Model in Greece.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by KIORTSIS & ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICES on 31.01.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Greek IP Laws
