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Industrial Design registration in Slovenia

from 513.00
Number of Designs
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  • Design fees

Fees associated with filing the industrial design applications in Slovenia, as well as other design fees, are available in the fee calculator.

  • The term for filing the industrial design application in Slovenia

Industrial design application in Slovenia claiming priority must be filed within six months following the priority date. 

  • Multiple design applications

Multiple design applications are allowed in Slovenia. They must contain designs of the same class of the International Classification.

  • Minimum of filing documents in Slovenia

The filing documents for industrial design applications in Slovenia should contain at least:
- application form requesting the design registration in Slovenia;
- picture or graphical representation of each design of the embodiment, in case of a multiple application.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

The simply signed Power of Attorney should be submitted within three months upon the official request. Notarization or legalization is not required.

  • Priority document

To confirm the priority right, it is necessary to provide the Patent Office with country and number of priority application within three months from the filing date. The certified copy of the priority document as well as its Slovene translation should be filed to the office following the Patent Office request.

  • Examination of a design application in Slovenia

Slovenian design applications undergo examination solely for compliance with formal requirements. Substantive examination is not obligatory.

  • Grace period

A disclosure of the industrial design in Slovenia shall not be taken into consideration if it occurs no earlier than six months preceding the filing of the design application in Slovenia.

  • Grant and validity term

The term of an industrial design registration in Slovenia constitutes five years from the date of filing, renewable for 5-year terms up to a total term of 25 years.

  • Maintenance fees

The application fee for industrial designs in Slovenia comprises the renewal fee for the first five years. The subsequent maintenance fee must be paid before the expiration of the current 5-year term.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

For foreigners, it is necessary to perform the industrial design prosecution in Slovenia through an agent, the registered Slovenian patent attorney.

  •  Note

Online Search databases: Slovenian Industrial Designs, Community Designs (EUIPO), International Designs.

The above information was verified on 10.03.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Slovenian IP Laws.
