The Netherlands has signed up to the Geneva Act
The Kingdom of the Netherlands has recently ratified the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs (further referred to as the Act), which will cover the European territory of the country.
The Netherlands became the 58th contracting party and the last Benelux country to deposit its instrument of ratification with the WIPO. Belgium and Luxembourg ratified the Act back in 2013; however, as the three states are deemed to be a single contracting party to the Agreement, the actual effective date of the act coming into force for all three countries is December 18, 2018.
The Netherlands’ accession to the Act makes it possible for the applicants to designate Benelux only instead of choosing the whole European Union. Previously, the EU designation was the only way to cover the Benelux countries under the Act.
As soon as the provisions of the Act become effective in the Netherlands and Benelux, the applicants will be able to use the benefits of the Hague system at its fullest. The Act was developed to facilitate the international design registrations, making the process more efficient, flexible and cost-effective.