Taiwan: Changes to legislation
Amendments to the Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act were made with the purpose to streamline the procedure of trademark registration in Taiwan. Amendments stipulate that the applicant is exempted from submission of the original copy certifying the priority right as well as exhibition priority right.
Concerning the procedure of division the trademark applications, it was simplified by abolishment of the requirement for applicants to furnish each divisional application with a copy of the written request and related documents of the original application. As from now, TIPO e-filing system will automatically generate the necessary documents based on the number of divisional applications.
Moreover, several amendments to the regulations governing e-filings of patent applications were made. In particular, users of the e-filing system of the Taiwanese Intellectual Property Office now receive notifications regarding failed payment transaction due to insufficient balance. Also, it has become possible to submit request for amendments of the application documents in case the discrepancies arise during conversion of the paper documents to electronic version.
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Author: Lynda Miller