September 16, 2016

PCT: incorporating new states

On June 23, 2016, Djibouti became a Contracting State of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) having deposited its instrument of accession. The Treaty will enter into force in Djibouti within 3 months from the date of accession, i.e. on September 23, 2016. Accordingly, Djibouti will be automatically designated for all international applications filed on and after September 23, 2016. Djiboutian nationals and residents will obtain the right to file PCT international applications. However, the Patent Law of Djibouti has not yet been adjusted to meet the requirements of the PCT. Therefore, it is not yet possible to say if the Djiboutian Patent Office will be able to act as a PCT receiving office.

Another expansion of the PCT membership took place on September 8, 2016 when Cambodia became the 151st member to join the Treaty. On December 8, 2016, Cambodia will be bound by the PCT, and the corresponding provisions of the Treaty will enter into force.

As soon as information about the procedure and official fees for PCT national phase entry in the above countries becomes available, we will be pleased to give our best assistance and provide you with accurate quotes thereof.

Meanwhile, to get an actual quote for IP protection worldwide, please visit our quotation system. You are also welcome to review our IP-Guide to get information on intellectual property systems in various countries of the world.

Author: Lynda Miller

