August 23, 2016

Argentina: official fees increase

On August 10, 2016, the National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI) published the Resolution 388 - E/2016 in the Official Gazette introducing the fee changes for the IP protection matters in Argentina.

Changes affect all basic fees for protection of inventions, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks, and are carried out in two stages.

The first step comprises the said fee changes with average increase rate of about 35%, which already entered into force on August 18, 2016. Next stage of fee raise is expected to take place in October, 2016.

The shortlist of the first-stage fee changes is represented below.


  Before August 18, 2016 On and after August 18, 2016
Official fee rate, ARS Fees in USD, approx.
Search in all classes of products 510 700 47
Search in all classes of services 320 420 29
Filing an application (for TM size up to 6 cm wide and 6cm high) 760 1000 67
Filing an application (additional fee for TM size larger than 6 cm wide and 6 cm high up to 1/3 of page) 200 260 18
Filing an application(additional fee for TM size larger than 1/3 up to 2/3 of page) 390 510 34
Filing an application (additional fee for TM size larger than 2/3 up to whole page) 575 800 54
Renewal 960 1300 88
Filing an application, up to 10 claims 2280 3000 202
Filing an application, for each additional claim  110 150 10
Requesting early publication 390 510 34
Requesting examination, up to 10 claims 1910 2500 169
Requesting examination, for each additional claim  110 150 10
Utility Models
Filing an application, up to 10 claims 1140 1500 101
Filing an application, for each additional claim  55 75 5
Requesting early publication 195 255 17
Requesting examination, up to 10 claims 955 1250 84
Requesting examination, for each additional claim 55 75 5
Industrial Designs
Filing an application 760 1000 67
Other Fees
Assignment (Patents, Utility Models, Industrial Designs, Trademarks) 390 510 34
Reduction for natural persons (Patents, Utility Models) 60% 50%

We will follow the course of amendments and inform you about second-stage fee changes coming into force in October, 2016, accordingly.

To get an actual quote please visit our quotation system. The fees for filing and registration of the IP types in Argentina have been duly updated. 

Author: Lynda Miller

