Company name 

Donald Manasse Law Offices

Company address  DMLO Conseil SAM Est Ouest, 24 blvd Princesse Charlotte, MC 98000
Jurisdiction  Monaco
Phone  Tel: +377 93 50 29 21
Fax  Fax: +377 93 50 82 08
Website  Web:
Email  Email:
Company details 

Company description

Donald Manasse Law Offices is considered a leader in the areas of Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Property Development, Corporate (Commercial and M&A), Private Client (including cross-border matrimonial disputes) , Wealth Management and Taxation. The firm has an established reputation in complex and high-profile litigation cases and has a substantial International Bankruptcy, Corruption, Fraud & Asset Recovery practice. It is the Monaco member of the International Chamber of Commerce’s FraudNet, the world’s leading fraud and asset recovery legal network.