Company name 

Ladas & Parry

Company address  1040 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10018
Jurisdiction  USA
Contact person  Contact person: Mr. Zareefa Burki Flener
Phone  Tel: +1 212 708 1800
Fax  Fax: +1 212 246 8959
Website  Web:
Email  Email:
Company details 

Company description

As an enterprise grows, its need for intellectual property (IP) protection expands. Ladas & Parry represents owners of IP rights at every stage of development, both domestically and internationally. Our firm has served a wide range of clients for decades, from managing high profile, global IP portfolios to helping start-ups, entrepreneurs and SME companies, bringing a deep understanding of local legal nuances in order to achieve maximum benefits for our clients. With our depth of experience, we are able to anticipate pitfalls that might not be apparent without our highly specialized knowledge developed over the more than 100 years since our founding. Our firm’s business-friendly approach supports our clients’ objectives, within their budgetary requirements, while protecting their most valuable IP assets worldwide.