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Trademark registration in Slovakia

from 697.00
Number of Priorities
Number of Classes
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  • Trademark fees

Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Slovakia as well as other trademark fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • Multiple-class applications

Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in Slovakia.

  • Minimum filing requirements

For obtainment of a date of filing the trademark application in Slovakia should contain:
a) representation of the mark;
b) name and address of the applicant;
c) a list of goods and services.

  • Requirements to the Power of Attorney

The legalisation or notarization of a Power of Attorney is not required. After filing the application, the Office sets the term for filing the POA; usually, it is two months from filing the trademark application.

  • Priority document

The Certified Copy of the priority document may be provided within three months from filing the application. If the priority document is not in English the translation into Slovakian is required.

  • Opposition period

The oppositions against trademark registration in Slovakia should be filed within the period of three months from the publication of an application.

  • Validity term and trademark renewal

The trademark in Slovakia is valid for ten years from filing date of an application and may be renewed for ten additional years an unlimited number of times. The request for renewal may be filed at the earliest within twelve months before the expiry of the registration. The trademark may be renewed within six months after the renewal due date. The POA is required.

  • Use requirement

A trademark in Slovakia which has not been used for five consecutive years, preceding the date of commencement of revocation proceedings may be cancelled pursuant to a legal action brought by a third party.

  • Representation by a trademark attorney

For the foreigners, it is required to perform the trademark prosecution in Slovakia through an agent, a registered Slovak trademark attorney.

  • What can be registered as a trademark in Slovakia

A trade mark may consist of any sign, in particular words, including personal names, or designs, letters, numerals, colours, the shape of goods or of the packaging of goods, or sounds, provided that such sign is capable of:
(a) distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings; and
(b) being represented on the Register of trade marks, in a manner which enables the competent authorities and the public to determine the clear and precise subject matter of the protection afforded to its proprietor.

  • Notes

1. Online Search databases: Slovakian Trademarks, EU Trademarks, International Trademarks.
2. Trademark protection in Slovakia may also be obtained via registration of the European Union Trademark.
3. The time limit to file a response to the provisional refusal of an international registration in Slovakia is three months from the date the Office issues the refusal. It is possible to request an extension of time before the Office. The language of the response is Slovak. For both filing a response to the provisional refusal and requesting an extension of time, applicants are required to appoint a local representative. The requirement of mandatory representation does not apply to nationals of the countries party to the Agreement on European Economic Area (EEA), who are obliged to provide the Office with the Slovak address for correspondence. There is an option to request a revision or file an appeal to the provisional refusal, however, the response to the provisional refusal must be filed first.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by MILOJEVIC, SEKULIC & ASSOCIATES on 08.03.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Slovak IP Laws.
