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Trademark in Ireland

from 1467.00
Number of Classes
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  • Trademark fees

Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Ireland, as well as other trademark fees, are available in the fee calculator.

  • Multiple-class applications

Multiple class trademark applications are possible in Ireland. 

  • Filing requirements in Ireland

The official languages of the trademark application in Ireland are Irish and English. Any application documents filed in other foreign languages must be accompanied by a verified translation.

A trademark application in Ireland must contain at least the following:
- signed application stating applicant’s details and address;
- representation of the trademark;
- specification of goods or services;
- payment of the filing fee;
- priority details, if any.

A certified copy of the Priority Document may be submitted within three months from the date of filing. However, it is recommended to file the priority document at the time of filing the application.

It is not required to file a Power of Attorney for trademarks in Ireland. However, it may be requested by the Office.

The term for filing a trademark application in Ireland claiming conventional priority is 6 months from the priority date.

  • Examination, publication and opposition of a trademark application in Ireland

The application will undergo complete examination (formal and substantive) including a search for conflicting marks and an examination of distinctiveness. The trademark application in Ireland may be opposed by any interested person within three months from publication of the application.

  • Grant, validity term and trademark renewal

Grant fees must be paid within two months from the Controller’s request for payment. The validity term of a registered trademark in Ireland is ten years from the date of filing, renewable an unlimited number of times for a period of ten years. An application for renewal must be filed not earlier than and within six months prior to the expiration date or in the grace period of six months succeeding the expiration date. If the application is filed within the grace period, a surcharge applies.

  • Duration of registration procedure

The processing time from first filing to registration is approximately 10 months in the case of a smooth registration procedure.

  • Use requirement

A trademark in Ireland may be subject to cancellation if said trademark has not been used within a continuous period of five years from the registration of the trademark.

  • Representation by a trademark attorney

For foreign applicants, it is recommended to perform trademark prosecution in Ireland through a practicing trademark attorney of Ireland.

  •  Notes

1. Online Database for Irish National Trademarks Search.
2. The time limit for filing of the response to a provisional refusal of an international registration in Ireland is 3 months starting on the date the Office issues the refusal. It is possible to request an extension of the 3-month time limit. The response must be filed in English. It is necessary to provide the Office with an address for service in a state which is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). It is possible to request a hearing or appeal the decision to the High Court, but first the response to the provisional refusal must be submitted.

The above information was verified on 11.03.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Irish IP Laws
