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Trademark in Finland

from 685.00
Number of Classes
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  • Trademark fees

Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Finland as well as other trademark fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • Multiple-class applications

Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in Finland.

  • Filing requirements in Finland

Trademark applications can be filed in the English, Swedish or Finnish languages, however, applicants must choose either Finnish or Swedish as their processing language if the application is filed in English.

For obtainment of the date of filing, a trademark application in Finland must contain:
- description of the trademark;
- list of goods and services;
- applicant's details;
- proof of payment of the filing fee.

The Power of Attorney is not obligatory, but may be requested by the Office. A copy is sufficient.

The submission of the Priority Document is not obligatory, but may be requested by the Trademark Office. The translation into Finnish is not required. 

  • Examination, publication and opposition of a trademark application in Finland

Trademark applications in Finland are examined as to compliance with formal and registrability requirements as well as a search for prior similar trademarks is conducted by the Office. Upon successful examination, a trademark is published. Finnish trademarks may be opposed by any interested party within two months from the date of publication of the trademark registration.

  • Grant, validity term and trademark renewal

There is no grant fee for trademark registration in Finland. For trademarks filed on or after May 1, 2019, the registration in Finland is valid for 10 years from the filing date. For trademarks granted before May 1, 2019, the validity term of a trademark is 10 years from the registration date. Trademarks are renewable for ten-year periods. Requests for trademark renewal can be submitted within one year before the expiration of the registration or within a grace period of six months after the expiration date provided that the surcharge is paid.

  • Duration of registration procedure

Average time from filing up to registration of a trademark in Finland is 2 months.

  • Use requirement

The trademark in Finland may be subject to cancellation if it has not been used within five years from registration or has not been used later for a continuous period of 5 years.

  • Representation by a trademark attorney

For foreign applicants not domiciled in the European Economic Area (EEA), it is necessary to conduct trademark prosecution in Finland through an agent residing in the EEA.

  • Notes

1. Online Search Databases: Finnish Trademarks, EU Trademarks, International Trademarks.
2. Trademark protection in Finland may also be obtained via registration of a European Union Trademark.
3. The time limit to file a response to the provisional refusal of an international registration in Finland is 12 weeks from the date the Office issues the refusal. It is possible to request an extension of time. The response must be submitted in Finnish or Swedish, and foreign applicants are required to appoint a local representative. The Office does not provide for revision of the provisional refusal or appeals.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by Patentia Oy on 14.02.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Finnish IP Laws
