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Patent in Türkiye

from 577.00
Total Number of Claims
Number of Priorities
Number of Drawings
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  • Patent fees

Fees associated with filing patent application in Türkiye as well as other patent fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • The term for filing patent application in Türkiye

The deadline for filing patent applications in Türkiye claiming priority is 12 months from the date of priority. It is not possible to restore this term.

  • Minimum of filing documents

For obtainment of the date of filing a patent application in Türkiye should contain:
- description of an invention in any official language of the country that is party to Paris Convention or WTO Agreement or in any official language of the country which grants legal and de facto protection to Turkish residents in accordance with reciprocity principle;
- request to grant a patent;
- name and address of applicant(s);
- payment of the official fee. 

  • Language of the Turkish patent application

The official language of the Turkish patent application is Turkish. If the application materials are filed in any official language of the country that is party to Paris Convention or WTO Agreement or in any official language of the country which grants legal and de facto protection to Turkish residents in accordance with reciprocity principle, the translation thereof into Turkish should be submitted within 2 months from the filing date by paying additional fees.

  • Priority document

Where a priority has been claimed, a certified copy of the priority document and its Turkish translation must be submitted within three months from the filing date of the Turkish patent application.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

The submission of POA is not required for patent registration in Türkiye.

  • Assignment Deed

No Assignment Deed is required. If the applicant of the Turkish patent application is not the inventor, he must declare in the application how he has acquired from the inventor the right to apply for a patent. 

  • Substantive examination request

The applicant must request novelty search within 12 months from the date of filing. After receiving the search report, the applicant must request the substantive examination within 3 months.

  • Novelty grace period

The novelty grace period in Türkiye is twelve months prior to the filing or priority date. If information on the invention became available to the public at the internationally recognized exhibition within this period, it does not disprove the novelty of the invention in Türkiye.

  • Grant and patent maintenance fees 

The term for payment of the grant fee for patent applications filed before January 10, 2017 is two months from issuance of the decision to grant a patent in Türkiye. However, for patent applications filed on or after January 10, 2017, the issuance fees may be paid any time after the publication of the decision of grant. Patents are valid for 20 years from the date of filing. Annuities apply to pending applications, and the first payment should be made:

- starting from the 3rd year of the filing date, provided that patent application was filed on or after January 10, 2017; and
- starting from the 2nd year of the filing date, provided that patent application was filed before January 10, 2017.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

The appointment of an agent, a registered Turkish patent attorney is required if the applicant does not reside in Türkiye to perform a patent prosecution.

  • Notes

1. Online Search Databases: Turkish Patents, European Patents (EPO).
2. The patent in Türkiye may also be obtained via registration of the European patent and its further validation in Türkiye.
3. Inventions may also be protected as Utility Models in Türkiye, which are subject to formal examination and State-of-the-Art search. Methods and chemical products are not protectable. Maximum protection period of a utility model in Türkiye is ten years from the date of filing.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by ALPIM Patent on 26.02.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Turkish IP Laws.
