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Patent in Nigeria

from 653.00
Total Number of Claims
Number of Priorities
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  • Patent fees

Fees associated with filing patent applications in Nigeria as well as other patent fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • Term for filing a patent application in Nigeria

The term for filing a patent application in Nigeria claiming conventional priority is 12 months from the priority date. The restoration of said term is not possible.

  • Filing requirements in Nigeria

The official language of the proceedings before the Nigerian IP Office is English. All application documents must be translated into English at the time of filing.

To obtain a filing date it is required to provide the Patent Office with the following documents:
- applicant’s name and address;
- title of the invention;
- a description of the invention with drawings;
- the set of claims;
- priority application details;
- proof of payment of the corresponding fees.

If priority is claimed, a certified copy of the Priority Document together with a sworn English translation must be filed within 3 months from the filing date. The application will not be accepted for consideration until the Priority Document is received by the Patent Office.

The legalization or notarization of the Power of Attorney is not required. The original thereof should be submitted upon filing of the application.

  • Examination of a Nigerian patent application

Patent applications are examined only as to formal requirements and unity of invention. There is no substantive examination.

  • Novelty grace period

The novelty of the invention shall not be disproved in case the inventor or the successor of the inventor has made available the invention to the public within 6 months before the filing date at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.

  • Grant, validity term and maintenance fees 

No official grant fee is stipulated. The validity term of a patent is 20 years from the date of filing of the application. Annual fees are due each year starting from the filing date but become payable after granting of the patent. The payment should be made within three months before the due date. It is possible to pay the annuity fee within a six-month grace period after the due date together with a corresponding surcharge.

  • Duration of registration procedure

It takes an average of 6 months from filing to granting of a patent in Nigeria.

  • Utility Model 

Utility model protection is not available under Nigerian legislation.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

Foreign applicants must perform patent prosecution through a registered Nigerian Patent Attorney.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by Hectagon and Shields Solicitors on 13.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Nigerian IP Laws
