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Industrial Design registration in Pakistan

from 379.00
Number of Priorities
Number of Designs
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  • Design fees

Fees associated with filing industrial design applications in Pakistan, as well as other design fees, are available in the fee calculator.

  • The term for filing design application in Pakistan

The term for filing design application in Pakistan claiming priority is six months from the date of priority. The restoration of this term is not stipulated.

  • Minimum of filing documents in Pakistan

For obtainment of the date of filing the Pakistani design, an application should contain at least photographs/drawings of design, statement of novelty and payment of the official fees.

  • Multiple design application

Multiple design applications are not possible in Pakistan.

  • Validity term

The validity term of a design patent in Pakistan is 10 years from the date of filing, or, if priority is claimed, from the date of priority. This term is renewable two times for 10-year periods, up to a total term of 30 years.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

A Power of Attorney, duly notarized by a notary public in the country where it is executed, is required to be submitted at the time of filing the application. However, due to leniency on the part of the Patent Office, it can be submitted at a later date.

  • Priority document

A certified copy of the priority document must be submitted either on filing or within three months from the date of filing an industrial design application in Pakistan. If the priority document is in a foreign language, a verified English translation thereof should accompany the priority document.

  • Examination of a design application in Pakistan

There is no request for conducting the substantive examination on industrial design application. This procedure is conducted automatically.

  • Grace period

For the purpose of novelty, any disclosure to the public of the industrial design shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred within twelve months preceding the filing date/priority date of the application.

  • Grant and maintenance fees

The official grant fee should be paid within 30 days from receiving the corresponding Notice. The design maintenance fees should be paid periodically, i.e., every ten years.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

Foreigners residing outside Pakistan must perform the industrial design prosecution through a registered Pakistani patent agent or advocate.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by MEER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SERVICES on 07.02.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Pakistani IP Laws.
