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Validation of European Patent

from 163.00
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Detailed information related to the European Patent.

  • Translation 

European Patent application is automatically considered to be a granted national patent in Switzerland. Therefore, Validation is not required.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

It is not obligatory to assign a Swiss registered attorney. However, it is highly recommended to appoint a local Swiss attorney as an "Address for Service" for receiving, interpreting, and handling any communication from the Swiss Patent Office on behalf of the applicant.

  • Maintenance fees

In order to maintain a European patent in Switzerland, annual fees should be paid on the last day of the month containing the anniversary of the filing date each year starting from the 4th one. Annual fees can also be paid two months before the due date and three months from the due date without a surcharge. Patents in Switzerland may be renewed within six months after the due date by paying the extra fees.

  • Validation fees

The fees associated with validation of a European patent in Switzerland are available in the fee calculator.

The above information was verified on 28.02.2025
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Swiss IP Laws
